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Central Asia, Russia, and China

From Frontera:
ISS Risk analyst Phill Hynes provides insight into Russia and China’s deepening relationship, and independent currency strategist Olivier Desbarres, formerly of Barclays and Credit Suisse, reflects on China’s economic outlook, in conversation with Frontera Managing Editor Gavin Serkin and presenter Juliette Foster. 
Phill Hynes: Russia is making forays into many different areas. Syria is an example. What’s less obvious for people is its resurgence in other places and its ongoing realignment with China. This symbiotic relationship between China and Russia is strengthening, on a security level, Russia’s grip on the Eurasian continent. 
Gavin: And is that Sino-Russian relationship something that we haven’t seen before?
Phill: There’s kind of a love-hate relationship between Russia and China. But this is an interesting resurgence, because it signals stability for at least the next decade, without question.
So, this alignment will surely create a different geopolitical dynamic. China’s globalization strategy and Russia’s realignment toward the East will have a profound impact on the Eurasian continent.

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