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Nothing Beside Remains: The #Hongkong SAR at 20 #hongkong_news

The Hongkong Special Administrative Region turns 20 this week. The anniversary will also mark Chinese leader Xi Jinping's first official visit to the territory, the installment of a new Chief Executive, and the further alienation of future generations

"Reasons to fret about Hong Kong’s post-2047 future," Breakingviews, 23 June

While 2017 is a milestone, 2047 is the real deadline for normalizing the Special Administrative Region with the rest of China. Growing friction between existing economic institutions and China's greater freedom of action will present the most risk (link)

"Hong Kong SAR at 20: Challenges ahead," The Straits Times, 24 June 

Growing inequality and post-colonial corruption compound Beijing's heavy-handedness to make things harder for everyone (link)

"Beijing cannot wish away the growing sense of hopelessness in Hong Kong,"  South China Morning Post, 25 June 

Futile as it may be, agitation for independence will continue unless Beijing directly addresses actions which alienate Hongkongers (link)

"Beijing's restraint with Hong Kong's rule of law has expired, says law professor," Hong Kong Free Press, 25 June 

The framers of Hongkong's Basic Law failed to anticipate tensions with Beijing, setting the stage for erosion of authority early on (link)

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