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Mind Your Own Damn Business

Oh for slow news days. The most interesting article in today's Chronicle is a profile of 109-year-old Lucille Meyer: North Beach native, '06 quake survivor, and now Burlingame resident.

Some interesting insights: no, she's not going to attend the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the '06 quake. She says she's not big on celebrations. We think she's just being polite - if YOU went through something horrible like that, why would you want to "celebrate" it? particularly when the "celebration" is being used as a rostrum for useless, tinhorn bureaucrats?

Also: when asked what the secret of her longevity was, she said: "I mind my own business."

Now, that's something. A Native San Franciscan who minds her own business. Now, we know lots of Native San Franciscans who are nice, reasonable people who do in fact mind their own business. You just don't read about THOSE Native San Franciscans in the newspapers, at least until now.

So here's some advice to all those Nattering NIMBY Natives and Pseudo-Natives who like to be seen on Citywatch and in the Funny Papers: MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. You might live longer!

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