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Somebody is Listening...

Small Business Commissioner Jordanna Thigpen has a pretty decent column coming along in the Sentinel. And lo and behold she's come out with the truth about the San Francisco polity:

"Over the past couple months, taking stock of this year, I've been thinking a lot about the labels 'progressive' and 'moderate' in this town, and I'm mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore.

First of all, most of us are Democrats. Only 15% of San Franciscans are registered Republicans; essentially all voted for Bush II in November 2004. We are mostly all pro-choice, mostly pro-gay marriage, mostly pro-civil rights.

Yet, what's the old adage? If the left had a firing squad, it would be a circle? We are living that adage in this City in vivid color.

Stuff like this truly brings tears of joy to my eyes. Now if we can just get her to use the word "Stalinist" in future columns.

Read the rest of it here.

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