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Housing in Palo Alto: When There Aren’t Enough Homes to Go Around

People in Palo Alto often suggest that anyone negatively impacted by our absurd housing prices “should just move to Pleasanton” or something similar. Let’s turn to Swimmer75 of Pleasanton for his thoughts on the matter:
STOP, STOP, STOP the East Side Development Project Entirely! Listen to the people of Pleasanton!! We don’t need more houses, traffic, people, noise, pollution, etc. that this project will bring!!! The only people that benefit from this project is the Developers……
As you can see anti-housing sentiment knows no bounds in the Bay Area. Every part of the Bay Area claims that they should have no obligation to build housing and that people simply shouldn't move somewhere they can’t afford. “Why can’t those people just move to ___________?” they say. So, let’s answer this question once and for all: because a lack of housing negatively affects everyone, and not just the people who can’t afford to live in Palo Alto.

Read the rest here

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