China, North Korea, and not least America's slide into default mode is forcing Australia out of her shell
Out of the “Slipstream” of Power? Australian Grand Strategy and the South China Sea Disputes,' ISDP Asia Paper, June China's activity in the South China Sea has changed the security dynamic in Australia's home region. Australia will have to spell out her interests, engage regional partners, and build a leadership role for herself. The alternative is a hedging cycle that will be emulated by neighbors and entrench the ongoing "Thucydides Trap" (
"Is Australia’s approach in the Pacific coming into focus (at last)?," Lowy Interpreter, 15 August Turnbull's "Step Change" may be taking shape: "stronger economic cooperation; stronger cooperation in security; and stronger people to people links." (
"North Korea, War and ANZUS," ASPI Strategist, 16 August Despite tensions, ANZUS is still "joined at the hip" with the US with regard the threat of North Korean attack. Australia, New Zealand need to articulate options short of preemptive kinetic action in the meantime (
"Down and Out Down Under: Australia’s Uneasy American Alliance," Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct Issue The Lowy Institute's Executive Director outlines how the ongoing Trump Show and China's attempts to buy influence is forcing choices. The better choice is to step up and pull more weight while America works on herself (
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